Arifuddin Uksan
This study discusses the need for TNI to progressively empower character education to face the challenges of globalisation. This suggestion is based on the current need to improve TNI soldiers’ behaviour and mental condition. Gaining data through interviews, observation, and documentation, it has been determined that there is a need to enhance TNI character education as it significantly affects the formation of soldiers' mindsets, attitudes, and behaviour. In addition, differences were also found in TNI character education, namely in the aspects of the organisation’s resources, curriculum, methods, and facilities. The findings also suggest the value of religious education in transforming the character education of the TNI.
Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol, Norlaila Mazura Hj. Mohaiyadin, Azman Ismail, Jessica Ong Hai Liaw
Reviews on the training management literature have emphasised that the training design consists of three essential elements: (1) training content; (2) instructors’ roles; and (3) superiors’ support, which may lead to a high impact on job performance of employees. However, a thorough investigation showed that the relationship between those elements was mediated by training motivation. Therefore, this study aims to confirm the effect of training motivation in military organisations. The measurement was using 412 samples in the Malaysian Army Infantry Corps. Testing the hypotheses using SmartPLS version 3.2.5 revealed these exciting findings: training motivation does act as an important mediating variable between course content, instructors’ roles and superior support in the relationship with job performance in organisational samples. Further, the discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated.
Burhanuddin Jalal, Mohd Kenali Basiron, Sayuti Ab Ghani, Amnah Saayah Ismail
Organisasi ketenteraan merupakan salah satu organisasi tertua di dunia dan ia mempunyai struktur kepimpinan yang tersendiri serta telah mempengaruhi corak serta gaya kepimpinan organisasi sosial yang lain. Artikel ini membincangkan aspek kepimpinan ketenteraan dari sudut sejarah, nilai dan prinsip yang membentuk kepimpinan berwibawa. Kajian perpustakaan, penelitian dokumentasi serta pemerhatian telah digunakan bagi memperoleh dan menganalisis data. Secara umumnya terdapat ciri-ciri keunikan tersendiri dalam kepimpinan ketenteraan dipelbagai negara dan juga di Malaysia. Kepimpinan ketenteraan di Malaysia telah memberikan kesan yang positif terhadap kepimpinan negara hasil hubungan tentera dan perkhidmatan awan atau disebut sebagai ‘civil military relations’ dan juga pelaksanaan aktiviti ketenteraan selain dari perang yang telah membantu memberikan kejayaan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia.
The military organisation is one of the oldest organisations in the world, and it has its leadership structure and has influenced the leadership patterns and styles of other social organisations. This article discusses aspects of military leadership in terms of history, values and principles that make up authoritative leadership. Library research, documentation research and observations were used to obtain and analyse the data. There are unique characteristics of military leadership in various countries and Malaysia. The military leadership in Malaysia has positively impacted the country's administration because of military relations and cloud services, referred to as ‘civil-military relations, ' and the implementation of military activities other than war that have helped succeed in the administration of the Malaysian government.
Amer Fawwaz Mohamad Yasid
Kegiatan penyeludupan dadah merupakan jenayah popular kerana berupaya untuk menjana pendapatan kewangan lumayan kepada sindiket penyeludupan dadah sama ada diperingkat antarabangsa mahupun tempatan. Kemasukan dadah ke Tanah Melayu bermula sejak awal kurun ke-18 oleh imigran Cina. Walaubagaimanapun, kemasukan dadah dari luar negara secara haram semakin kritikal selepas tamat Perang Dunia Kedua menyebabkan Kerajaan British mengharamkan penggunaan dadah di Tanah Melayu secara menyeluruh pada tahun 1952. Kewujudan kawasan Segi Tiga Emas Thailand awal tahun 1960-an sebagai kawasan pengeluaran utama heroin dunia telah menjadikan Malaysia terdedah kepada kegiatan penyeludupan dadah dari luar negara. Objektif kajian ini adalah mengenalpasti bagaimana kemasukan dadah ke dalam negara hingga mewujudkan ancaman terhadap keselamatan ekonomi negara Malaysia. Kajian ini telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif berdasarkan sumber primer dan sumber sekunder. Sumber primer telah diperolehi daripada proses temubual bersama informan manakala sumber sekunder diperolehi daripada buku ilmiah, artikel jurnal serta tesis akademik. Konsep Keselamatan Ekonomi telah digunapakai bagi menerangkan fenomena yang dikaji. Dapatan kajian telah menerangkan kesan yang terhasil daripada kegiatan penyeludupan dadah dari kawasan Segi Tiga Emas Thailand terhadap keselamatan ekonomi negara Malaysia.
Drug trafficking is a widespread crime as it is a lucrative business among organisations at the local or international level. The introduction of Opium in Malay Peninsular during the eighteenth century by the Chinese immigrants was the beginning of drug abuse problems in the region. Nevertheless, the illegal drug smuggling activities were actively occurring by the end of World War Two, making the British Government in Malaya ban the public usage of drugs by implementing the Drug Ordinance in 1952. In the Golden Triangle region located in the mountainous areas of Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos in the early 1960s increased trafficking activities in Malaysia hence becoming a real threat to Malaysia’s national security. This research aims to identify the entry of drugs from abroad and determine how much activity threatens nathreatensy. This qualitative research utilised primary and secondary data from interviews with informants and data retrieved from books, article journals and academic thesis. The Economic Security Concept has been used in elaborating the research phenomena. The research findings have further explained the impact of drug smuggling activities from Thailand’s Golden Triangle on Malaysia’s economic security.
Rogis Baker, Nur Surayya Mohd Saudi, Mohd Zaini Salleh, Nur Fatinah Husna Mohamad Puzi, Yusma Sharieza Izzati Rozali, Jessica Ong Hai Liaw, Mohd Hamran Mohamad
Today, graduate marketability is deteriorating. Some graduates from universities in the public sector can still not enter the employment market. This study was thus carried out on the elements which affect the marketability of graduates in Malaysia at the public university. Three hundred eighty graduate students from a public university were the participants in the research. The quantitative approach was applied in this study, descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The data gathered from the questionnaire are the medium for blasting over the Google Form platform. This study analysed data using Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) Version 26. The analysis utilised included the descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation. The results have shown that the marketability of graduates has a tangible link to their personality and skills. Meanwhile, numerous regression analyses demonstrate that public university graduates' personalities, skills, and academics impact marketability. This research indicates that three key characteristics, personality, skills and academics, affect the marketability of graduate students. To prepare for job marketing, the graduate must be aware of the three variables highlighted in this research
Norfazira Azman, Amnah Saayah Ismail, Nor Nazimi Mohd Mustaffa, Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol, Zahimi Zainol Abidin
This study aims to evaluate the role of coaches in the effectiveness of training. An in-depth review of the literature found some of the problems faced by the coaches were (1) training methods that attracted attention, (2) communication skills of the coaches, and (3) the attitude shown by the coaches can influence the personalities of the officer cadets. In this study, 278 questionnaires have been tested as an actual survey involving all three-level intakes of PALAPES UPNM using the analysis path of SmartPLS version 3.3.3 to test the direct effect and mediating model. The outcome of hypotheses testing showed that the element for the role of coaches is significantly correlated with training effectiveness and proves that it can predict the training force substantially. Analysis of the mediating model confirmed that training motivation partially mediates the relationship between training method, communication, and attitude with training effectiveness among Officer Cadets PALAPES UPNM. In conclusion, the role of coaches can influence the training motivation of the Officer Cadets and lead to training effectiveness.
Mohd Kamarul Amree Mohd Sarkam, Mohamad Zaidi Abdul Rahman
Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang mempunyai keutuhan hubungan awam-tentera (strong civil-military relationship SCMR) pada tahap yang memberangsangkan. Segala polisi dan dasar berkaitan pertahanan negara melalui SCMR dilihat amat mesra dengan komposisi masyarakat berbilang kaum yang wujud di Malaysia. Maka, kewujudan konsep Pertahanan Menyeluruh (HANRUH) merupakan salah satu manifestasi gerak kerja SCMR untuk menggalakkan rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama berganding bahu mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Namun, konsep HANRUH tersebut kurang mendapat perhatian dalam kalangan rakyat disebabkan lemah daripada sudut hebahan dan promosi yang menimbulkan persoalan sejauh manakah SCMR di Malaysia dianggap utuh tanpa melibatkan rakyat dalam perlaksanaannya? Objektif kajian adalah untuk membincangkan konsep SCMR dan HANRUH secara umum dan pendekatan SCMR dalam menggalakkan penglibatan rakyat terhadap HANRUH. Data kajian diperolehi menerusi kaedah kepustakaan yang melibatkan penganalisaan sumber-sumber seperti buku, jurnal, majalah ilmiah, tesis, laman sesawang dan temu bual responden. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa SCMR merupakan faktor penting di dalam memastikan keamanan dan kestabilan negara di samping juga dapat memberi implikasi bersifat galakan terhadap penglibatan rakyat di dalam sistem pertahanan negara khususnya melalui pelaksanaan konsep HANRUH.
Malaysia has a solid civil-military relationship (SCMR) with an encouraging level of cooperation. All national defence plans and policies implemented through SCMR appear to be quite accommodating to the multi-racial society that exists in Malaysia. The concept of Total Defence (HANRUH) is one of SCMR's efforts to encourage Malaysians to work together to defend the country's sovereignty. However, due to a lack of awareness and promotion, the concept of HANRUH has garnered less attention among the public, raising the question of how intact the SCMR is in Malaysia without integrating the citizens in its implementation. The study's objective is to explain the general ideas of SCMR and HANRUH and the SCMR strategy to foster citizens’ participation in HANRUH. Research data is obtained from the library method that involves the analysis of sources such as books, journals, scientific magazines, theses, websites aninterviewsew of respondents. This study indicates that SCMR is essential in maintaining the country's peace and stability and has positive implications for citizens’ participation in the national defence system, notably through the implementation of HANRUH.
Khairul Nizam Taib, Mazura Md Saman, Jamal Rodzi Dahari, Salma Yusof
This article addresses the issue of the accused's abandonment of an attempt as an act of voluntary relinquishment with the intention of never again resuming the crime. The study is a purely conceptual one that prolongs the discussion within the ambit of moral and legal philosophy to address the rationality of abandonment as effective mitigation considering the accused's moral intuition, prospective reasons, and motive. It endeavours to expand views on motive based on the "Renunciation of Criminal Purpose" principle outlined by the "Model Penal Code". The article is intended to offer new perspectives on both decision and sanction by exploring the question of moral and legal philosophical discretion concerning the abandonment of criminal attempts. It concludes that the essence of abandonment is a legal, philosophical problem that objective parameters cannot simplify.
e-ISSN: 2773-529X